Cantamus Chamber Choir 

Data Protection Policy

May 2018 

Data types 

Cantamus Chamber Choir (“Cantamus”) will hold personal data in two categories as follows: 

  • Choir members’ data. This may include name, address, telephone, voice part, (eg Soprano) and email address. 
  • Audience mailing list. This will include name and email address. 


Permission will be sought to continue to hold data for existing choir members as at May 2018. All choir members joining after this date will have their permission expressly sought on joining.
Data to be held on the audience mailing list will only be that for people who expressly ask to join the mailing list. 

Any data held, whether a full record or specific fields (eg email or telephone) will be removed from Cantamus’s records if so requested by the individual. 

Security of Data 

Reasonable steps will be taken to ensure that the data is held securely. These should include password protection of database/spreadsheet files and the use of blind copy addressing in group emails. 

Use of the Data 

Access to the data will only be available to members of the Cantamus Committee and may only be used in direct relation to the operation of the choir. In addition, temporary access may be given to specific individuals for the purposes of organising events, such as an overseas tour but only for use in connection with that event and with the permission of those involved.

No data held by Cantamus will be passed on or sold to any other individual or organisation. 


The transmission of any email to the group of all choir members may only be done with the permission of either the Chairman or the Secretary of the Cantamus Committee. 

Members’ Access 

An individual may ask to see what data is held about them. Such requests are to be made to the Cantamus Secretary and will be answered as quickly as practicable. 


The proper implementation of this policy is the responsibility of the Cantamus Chairman and Committee. The Data Controller, responsible for the day-to-day management of the data is the Cantamus Secretary. 

Approval and Review 

This policy was approved by the Cantamus Committee and promulgated to choir members in May 2018. It is to be reviewed annually.